Welcome to Pointman International Ministries!
Message from the President
When I came home from Iraq in November of 2003 I did not know anything about PTSD. I definitely did not think I was affected by it, but others around me could see that something was very different about me. After I was referred to the clinic that diagnosed me with it, I struggled and things didn't feel quite real. My wife is actually the one that searched and reached out to Point Man and while I was going through the process of getting out of the Army, one of the outpost leaders here in Oklahoma rode down on his motorcycle to visit with us. He was a Vietnam veteran and I was out training when he made the trip, but his visit planted a seed that would grow. After I got out I became friends with several more leaders through Point Man that were also veterans of other conflicts but they had all been down the path that I was winding my way through, and I realized that we had a common bond that transcended my time in Iraq.
They were my friends, brothers, mentors, and they helped me to forge my way through the chaos that was all around me that I was not able to comprehend on my own.
Most veterans are used to working with a team, squad, or platoon; Yet for some reason when we separate from that life we try to take on the struggle on our own. We are not meant to take it on by ourselves, the men and women of Point Man Ministries are here to "walk point" with you whether it's a veteran with a phone or one of our groups around the country. Point Man outposts and homefronts are here for you and have the desire to help veterans and families dealing with PTSD to find the peace they are looking for.
If you are dealing with PTSD and would like to know more about PMIM, reach out and join us in our journey. We weren't meant to carry this load alone, and with Christs help we dont have to. Our nation is grateful for your service and sacrifices. Whenever and wherever you served, welcome home! We look forward to hearing from you!
- Marcus King (President of PMIM)
Our Mission
To connect the hurting veteran as well as their families and friends with others who
have already begun the transition home after war. With Jesus Christ as our focal point
it is our desire is to provide spiritual and emotional healing through our existing Outpost
and Home Front system.
Who We Are
Since 1984, when Seattle Police Officer and Vietnam Veteran Bill Landreth noticed he was
arresting the same people each night, he discovered most were Vietnam vets like himself that
just never seemed to have quite made it home. He began to meet with them in coffee shops and on a
regular basis for fellowship and prayer. Soon, Point Man Ministries was conceived and became a staple
of the Seattle area. Bills untimely death soon after put the future of Point Man in jeopardy.
However, Chuck Dean, publisher of a Veterans self help newspaper, Reveille, had a vision for the ministry
and developed it into a system of small groups across the USA for the purpose of mutual support and fellowship.
These groups are known as Outposts. Worldwide there are hundreds of Outposts and Homefront groups serving the families of veterans.
PMIM is run by veterans from all conflicts, nationalities and backgrounds. Although, the primary focus of
Point Man has always been to offer spiritual healing from PTSD, Point Man today is involved in group meetings,
publishing, hospital visits, conferences, supplying speakers for churches and veteran groups, welcome
home projects and community support. Just about any where there are Vets there is a Point Man presence.
All services offered by Point Man are free of charge.

More About Us
Vietnam Wall Ministry
For several years, Point Man leaders have set up a ministry tent at the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. where they offer prayer, support, fellowship, and offer to hand out Veteran's Bibles. These are normally set up during Memorial weekend and Veteran's Day.
If you are in the D.C. area during these holidays, we welcome you to stop in and say hello. We look forward to seeing you there!
Point Man Conferences
From time to time, usually every other year, PMIM holds conferences somewhere in the country. At these conferences there is always a good amount of information put out and they are geared to "sharpen the leader's edge" and allowing leaders to personally connect with others from around the country. The goal of these functions are for everyone to walk away from them learning something they had not previously known, and empower them with new tools to take back to their area.
Previous conferences have happened on the west and east coasts, and have had key note speakers such as recent MOH recipient SSG David Bellavia. There is a future conference being planned in Oklahoma City and several other locations to be announced as they get closer.
Veteran Stand-Downs
In many places around the country, we have outpost leaders assisting in joint veteran stand downs alongside other agencies. In most of these events our leaders offer prayer and support, offer written materials, cook food, and offer Christian fellowship.
These events are generally held for homelessness, youth issues, and many other causes that affect veterans and their families.

Point Man Intl. Ministries
P.O. Box 638
Minco, OK 73059
Contact form